Sunday, November 15, 2009

From The Heart

Typically I share with you what is on my mind and a bit of what is in my heart. Today I feel led to share more heart and less mind (a bit of a scary place to be I might add). Church yesterday left me reeling, so much so that I journaled what was going on in this head of mine. I am just going to share what I wrote and hope it makes sense.
I just need to take a minute and write out the fullness of my heart. It is hard to put words around the emotions of being amongst these children and their "leaders." Church services in Khmer are only a joyful noise to me but what a noise it is. Watching these children praise, worship, pray, sit and explore any teaching or song presented is incredible. At least 10 children were saved thru faith in Jesus Christ. Also among them was the mother of Lita, Lakina, and Bopar. What a privilege to welcome them to the cross. I am reminded of why we support, love, and work for and with Sovannapoom. We are offered the chance to watch Jesus change lives, to see Light cast our darkness, to see God high and lifted up. It is as if I am living out every praise song in my mind, that feeling of surrender, worship and awe culminating at the sight of these children getting a renewed chance at love, a cleaned slate and a new beginning. Thank you Father for the revelation of yourself not only to them but to me. What a humble sweet blessing it is to worship among the saints.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for that emotional description of church there. Thanks for letting my daughter be a part of it.
