Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wow, What A Week!

Have you ever stopped and thought about how fast your life changes direction? Or maybe I should say, have you ever contemplated how Gods plan for your life seems to sometimes be paused and other times stuck in fast forward? After another sleepless night, I have had alot of time to dwell on the last week. Actually the summer in its entirety. Most of you know that we adopted another baby boy, born 9-11 and released from the hospital on 9-14. A few of you know the journey we have been on and how this all came about, a story that will forever be close to my heart. James and I looked the world over literally, looking specifically for Landon, only to find him in our own backyard. The story still moves me to tears, only God could author a chapter like this in our novel. A week ago I was eagerly setting up our crib and hanging nursery pictures with a good friend. We spent the day fluffing the nest for baby Landon. Bottles were washed and packed, newbie clothes clean, folded and packed, as well as little plugs (binkies) and diapers. Papers, phone numbers, cell phone chargers, laptop, Bible, camera and two overly stuffed bags of necessities that would tide us over in the hospital (I pretend to be low maintenance but you all know Im not!). I fell into bed that night thinking every piece of the puzzle was in place. Bring on the baby! Oh if I only knew....
The next morning we get the call. I will never forget meeting him for the first time. Through tears I said "So here you are. I have been looking for you." The hospital stay was prolonged a couple days due to what we thought was a minor complication. We left there on Tuesday morning and headed home to a house full of friends and family who were anxiously waiting to meet our Landon for the first time.
Gods timing and provision as gone before us like a banner through the whole experience. So many times I have marveled at the way He has taken care of our family and brought us another baby while strengthening every aspect of our faith at the same time. We praise Him that he provided for us yet again, with a checkup with our beloved family doctor on a day that I would have much rather stayed home and caught up on rest and laundry! By the time I got to his office I knew something was amiss with Landon. 20 minutes later I was standing in the emergency room recounting everything I could remember about the details of his birth through a teary fog. An hour after that I got the news that Landon had in fact the worst possible scenario, meningitis. Off we went to our new home away from home, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The past few days have been full of highs and lows for Landon as well as the rest of us. I never cease to be amazed at the quality of our friendships and the unbelievable prayer support that surrounds us. We are blessed beyond measure. We remain optimistic with the doctors for his complete recovery from an infection much to big for such a small body. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and for today, Landon is in my arms.

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