Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pictures Of People, That Means I Left The Hotel Room!!

Yes, we are all well enough to go to the orphanage today. The only one who is still marginal is James. The group is pooling drugs to come up with enough antibiotics for him to take. His lungs really do sound terrible still. He had a great day though and made lots of progress on the equipment. He is teaching some of the older boys how to weld and cut and put all of the things together. I think it is so cool that they get the opportunity to build and learn with James instead of our guys doing it all while they watch. That is defiantly not the case. They were welding the swing set today and the other boys were painting the monkey bars and jungle gym. It all looks great to me!
The past few days, with all my spare time, I have been working on things for our vacation Bible school. Today we took all of the name tags we made and laminated them. We are planning on doing the vbs program starting next Monday three days a week. We are doing a Safari theme but we are going to use the music from the Power Lab vbs we did last year at home. Ryan and I have been practicing the motions, so today we are going to try and teach our motions to the rest of the group. Now that should be interesting you all know how much I like to sing!
I took pictures of strange things today, including the "herd" of cows we walk by to get to the orphanage. Also, who knew bananas made flowers? Doesn't it look to you like the boat is sinking? No one is worried so I guess that's normal, yikes. The first picture is the "bridge" to the kitchen/dining hall. All of the kids cross this several times a day. The hole is a seven foot deep basement that needs to be finished. Most likely this is not OSHA approved.

1 comment:

  1. Good pictures! We are glad to hear that everyone is feeling a bit better, I'm sure thats a relief to everyone. The play ground looks like its coming together nicely!
